Premier Lawn Care and Outdoor Living
715 Westland Drive Lexington, KY 40504
09:00 AM - 18:00 PM
09:00 AM - 18:00 PM
09:00 AM - 18:00 PM
09:00 AM - 18:00 PM
09:00 AM - 18:00 PM
09:00 AM - 18:00 PM
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The team at Premier Lawn and Outdoor Living understand no home is complete without attention to outdoor and exterior areas. For Lexington, Kentucky and the surrounding Central Kentucky areas, Premier can create unique arrangements of plants, fountains, patios, pergolas, decks, outdoor kitchens, fireplaces, paver driveways, sidewalks or any other hardscape. Located in Lexington, we are a local company licensed and insured for residential and commercial clients to provide landscaping and lawn services in Lexington, Winchester, Nicholasville, Richmond, Georgetown and surrounding areas.
Served cities
- Cincinnati
- Louisville
- Lexington
- Frankfort
- Jeffersonville
- Covington
- Newport
- London
- West Chester
- Fort Thomas
- Somerset
- Versailles
- Erlanger
- Campbellsville
- Hazard
- Radcliff
- Shepherdsville
- Bellevue
- Dubre
- Lancaster
- Nicholasville
- Fort Knox
- Hebron
- Florence
- Elizabethtown
- Corbin
- Sulphur
- Paris
- Richmond
- Danville
- Woodbine
- Winchester
- Loveland
- Shelbyville
- La Grange
- Berea
- Bethlehem
- Wellington
- Middlesboro
- Alexandria
- East Point
- Drift
- Liberty
- Felicity
- Lexington
- Marysville
- Smithfield
- Brandenburg
- Lebanon Junction
- Harrodsburg
- Mount Sterling
- Carrollton
- Kenton
- New Liberty
- Sparta
- Argillite
- Letcher
- Pierceville
- Pall Mall
- Taylorsville
- Farmers
- Emlyn
- Essie
- Miracle
- Barbourville
- Crittenden
- Wendover
- Hallie
- Tateville
- Canaan
- Wilmore
- Bradfordsville
- New Hope
- Loyall
- Mount Olivet
- Stanville
- Russell Springs
- New Washington
- Nazareth
- Saint Catharine
- Rineyville
- Olympia
- Asher
- Cannon
- Muses Mills
- Salyersville
- Patriot
- Lanesville
- Keene
- Raywick
- Waco
- Pittsburg
- Clayhole
- Hardyville
- Ripley
- Scottsburg
- Pleasureville
- Totz
- Preston
- Waneta
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