Maven Building, LLC
49 Krakow St Garfield, NJ 07026
09:00 AM - 18:00 PM
09:00 AM - 18:00 PM
09:00 AM - 18:00 PM
09:00 AM - 18:00 PM
09:00 AM - 18:00 PM
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- Payment Accepted All Payments
Claim Me
At Maven Building LLC, we’re dedicated to our craft. We understand the struggles of being a homeowner: the stress of needing a repair, the anticipation involved in renovating or adding to your home. When you choose to work with us, you choose to take us on that journey with you in your home.
Served cities
- Newark
- Paterson
- Jersey City
- Clifton
- Elizabeth
- Morristown
- Totowa
- East Orange
- Plainfield
- Wayne
- Mahwah
- Whippany
- Summit
- Secaucus
- Orange
- Ridgewood
- Hawthorne
- Paramus
- Westfield
- Montclair
- Kearny
- Haledon
- Westwood
- Caldwell
- Englewood
- Hackensack
- Ridgefield Park
- Township of Washington
- Closter
- South Orange
- Harrison
- North Arlington
- Lodi
- Florham Park
- Elmwood Park
- Hillsdale
- Edison
- Clark
- Butler
- Park Ridge
- South Hackensack
- Chatham
- Verona
- Tenafly
- East Rutherford
- Pompton Lakes
- Montville
- Mount Tabor
- Bloomfield
- West Orange
- Pequannock
- Roselle
- Bergenfield
- Fairfield
- Maywood
- Franklin Lakes
- Boonton
- Hasbrouck Heights
- Leonia
- Dumont
- Wyckoff
- West New York
- Palisades Park
- Millburn
- Moonachie
- Allendale
- Montvale
- Wood Ridge
- Bogota
- Cedar Knolls
- Belleville
- Saddle Brook
- Gillette
- Pine Brook
- Oakland
- Berkeley Heights
- Springfield
- North Bergen
- Garfield
- Short Hills
- Cliffside Park
- Lake Hiawatha
- Fort Lee
- Midland Park
- Glen Rock
- Saddle River
- Madison
- Morris Plains
- Rutherford
- Irvington
- Roseland
- Pompton Plains
- New Vernon
- Little Falls
- Fairview
- Rahway
- Emerson
- Little Ferry
- Oradell
- Mountain Lakes
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