Fieldstone Pros, Inc.
49 and 1/2 Sumner Street Milford, MA 01757
07:00 AM - 17:00 PM
07:00 AM - 17:00 PM
07:00 AM - 17:00 PM
07:00 AM - 17:00 PM
07:00 AM - 17:00 PM
07:00 AM - 14:00 PM
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Fieldstone Pros is the most respected brick & stone, veneer contractor in New England. Give your home that nostalgic warming appearance that invites your family and guests.
A stonewall ADDS character to your home and increase the value. This is not a do it yourself job. You need to hire a professional with the years of experience Fieldstone Pros has. Fieldstone Pros has been in business for over 10 years, our employees combined have over 50 years experience. Fieldstone Pros is the go to company for world class Brick and Stone veneer,Outdoor Living Spaces, Patios, Pool Decks, Driveways and Stone Walls.
Served cities
- Worcester
- Newton
- Framingham
- Waltham
- Wellesley
- Needham
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- Millbury
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- Dedham
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- Southborough
- Burlington
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- Upton
- Wellesley Hills
- Dover
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- Norwood
- Auburn
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- Millville
- North Grafton
- West Boylston
- Holden
- Boston
- Woodville
- Blackstone
- South Lancaster
- Natick
- Sutton
- Stow
- West Millbury
- Foxboro
- Newton Upper Falls
- Mendon
- Ashland
- Hopkinton
- Manchaug
- Berlin
- Grafton
- Sudbury
- Medfield
- Hopedale
- Webster
- Maynard
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- Boxborough
- Hanscom AFB
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- South Walpole
- Babson Park
- Northborough
- Wrentham
- Boylston
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- Sheldonville
- Newton Highlands
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- Newton Lower Falls
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- Newton Center
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- South Grafton
- Sterling
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- Needham Heights
- Bolton
- Fayville
- West Newton
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- Concord
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- Auburndale
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- Marlborough
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