Criscione Masonry, LLC
1428 Buckingham St Watertown, CT 06795
09:00 AM - 18:00 PM
09:00 AM - 18:00 PM
09:00 AM - 18:00 PM
09:00 AM - 18:00 PM
09:00 AM - 18:00 PM
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- Payment Accepted All Payments
Claim Me
Criscione Masonry is a well respected, family owned masonry business providing services in the new haven county area such as patios, custom stonework, outdoor/indoor fireplaces, and foundation repairs. You can view our portfolio of Masonry work here. We understand that if we do it right the first time, you will have an enduring piece of your home for years to come. We pride ourselves on top level craftsmanship built to last for decades to come. Criscione Masonry specializes in residential, commercial & industrial service and maintenance. Our company is built and designed to take on work all throughout the state of Connecticut although we’re based in Watertown, CT. We’ve been voted as the best Watertown, CT Masonry according to Google!
Served cities
- Waterbury
- New Haven
- Stamford
- Wallingford
- New Britain
- Unionville
- Farmington
- Washington
- Cheshire
- Collinsville
- Watertown
- Meriden
- Wolcott
- Ridgefield
- Oakville
- Bristol
- Torrington
- Greenwich
- Hamden
- Seymour
- Woodbury
- Taconic
- Wilton
- Goshen
- Colebrook
- Naugatuck
- Sharon
- Redding
- Roxbury
- Berlin
- Pine Meadow
- Bethlehem
- Simsbury
- Brookfield
- Hartford
- Bantam
- Millwood
- Stevenson
- Gaylordsville
- South Kent
- West Cornwall
- Amenia
- New Milford
- West Simsbury
- Northfield
- Botsford
- Sandy Hook
- Burlington
- Norwalk
- Winchester Center
- Newtown
- North Salem
- New Canaan
- Plantsville
- Riverton
- Monroe
- Bethel
- Easton
- Pequabuck
- Salisbury
- Canton
- Lakeville
- South Salem
- Avon
- Southbury
- Canaan
- Ansonia
- Sherman
- Trumbull
- New Hartford
- Milldale
- Southington
- Brewster
- Beacon Falls
- Falls Village
- Plainville
- Terryville
- New Fairfield
- Oxford
- Weston
- Bedford Hills
- Prospect
- Bridgewater
- South Britain
- Norfolk
- Woodbridge
- New Preston Marble Dale
- Harwinton
- Weatogue
- Pound Ridge
- West Hartford
- Litchfield
- East Canaan
- Kent
- Bethany
- Lakeside
- Plymouth
- Darien
- Derby
- Marion
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